Monday, September 21, 2009

Back again!!
told you i wouldnt b writing for a while :P
stupid broken internet >.<
anywho, lets get up to date with t6hins crappy ting i call a life :P
yes, very emo but things have NOT been good
unfortunatly but obviously im still single :(
due to lack of interest from every single guy i like
and plenty of interest from the guys i do not, fun huh?
well we'll talk firstly about the guys from my last blog shall we?
the guy that screwed me over is still with his gf, good for them, happy for em,
still hate him with a flaming passion but if they're happy, actually, if just Efa's happy, I'm happy xD
now for that other guy i was crazy about, i still am, still will be for i while i guess, but he told me he felt the same yet didnt want me, Great.
he liked me, just not enough to go out woith me or do anything about it so obviously he didnt like me as much as he said. i guess i should be used to it at this stage.
but the annoying thing is, i still like him. *fuck fuckidy fuck fuck* stupid boy :P
I also like other ppl but they got with ppl, or are sorta with ppl so ill just try find new ppl to try interest me xD
im also confused about one guy, we act like we hate each other, hav good craic and are reli good m8's but i dunno if i like m=him more than that or not
it confuses me, then again, anything to do with guys confuse me xD
and according to my friends im the expert on them so imho*, theyre screwed (*in my honest opinion)
so yer, enough about boys, you'd think i was obsessed by reading my blog xD
nothing else interesting going on, except for one tuhng i should've mentioned at the start, IM GOING TO PARAMORE xD
woot ^.^
how amazing is that??? xD

anywho, time for shout outs to some certain friends that i said i would...

Niamhavich & Shonavich:
My Besties, always there through thick and thin and many many blode moments xD
i dont know who has the most.. *cough*Shona*Cough* but we all have em xD They're always there to listen (especially when im giving them sex. ed. ;)) and they're great to listen to, they give great advice on almost everything xD
Theyre the most trustworthy ppl ive ever known, along with my next friend Leeziie..

Leeziie: Leeziie is my wifey, my babii, my EVERYTHING,she deserves the best friends, the best boyfriend & the best shout out form my blog, and she has em all ;)
she always listens, always gives advice, is always there to lean on when you need a shoulder to cry on, and you never hav to ask her to do it, she just does it because she amazing like that
she has gone through so much shit in her life and its all made her a bttr person and for that she should be proud because there is not a single person like her in this world
i love this girl with all my heart and she is my bestie, love you babiie

Diarmuid: the husband to my wifey ^^ and the future father of my retarded incest babiies (just dont ask ok?)
what more can i say than * you put a bommmb in me potaaatoo*, TY, the reason im friends with this guy xD
like his dear leeziie, hes a great listener and very protective of his friends, always there to cheer me up when things *cough* boys *cough* go wrong.
i love you more than vegetable lasagne bro xD

Georgia: OBSESSED WITH BOYS!!!!!! i dont know anyone who loves guys more that this girlie ;)
she's just fabulous and always so happy, just being around this girl cheers you up :)
she is obsessed with my ex which i find hilarious cause i hate the guy and forget that other ppl dont so i dont understand y ppl like him,
but then i think again and realise i once fell for him too :P but she deserves the best of best guys, she's so loving and has such a happy personality that any guy would b lucky to have her
plus the fact tht she's gorgeous too but just doesnt seem to realise it :)

Samii: Ah-Maze-ing
love her
want her
want her babiies ;)
love yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
such a laugh, such a good friend
and a fellow job having person thing xD *hi5*
has fabulous clothes,
always looks gorgeous,
love you sweetie
i still owe you for those cans yuu bought me that day :L
i will pay it back some day darling :)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What Goes Up, Must Come Down...

My first blog...hmm, what to mention?
Back to school now, fun fun :P 3rd years think they have it bad? wait till they get into fifth, just Grrness :P
So yeah, Summer, a lot happened these past 3 months, lost a bf, gained ALOT of new friends, lost old friends, found many new fellas ;) got screwed over by those fellas and now, being confused by the latest of those fellas, confused much? I sure am.

So we'll start with the beginning of summer shall we?
Leixlip Festival, Savage time, drunken nights, first taste of new friends to come (aka Celbridge pplzzzz), met Leezziie babes for the first time, instantly fell in love ;) in the best friend kinda way of course xD became a full time smoker and poor person cause all my wages went on smokes..
Had a pretty boring summer for the next two weeks or so, working, seeing the then bf, fuckface xD
Then, a week to my 17Th birthday, disaster, got dumped, but it turned out ok in the end, i still got the birthday present, disaster avoided :D ;)
Ok, then, going through a reli shitty time, I called my best friend in the world, my surrogate brother, the future father of our retarded incest babies, Diarmuid xD and asked if I can come out and hang with him and leezziie for a day.
That was THE best decision of my life. Because as of that day, I became a Celbridge person, Imay live in Leixlip but Celbridge is my home xD and since that day I went out there I was accepted, and i have spent almost every day possible out there. Drunken days down the Weir, Smoking, Being Raped on the basket swing, Eating Chinese almost EVERY day lol
but when things go up, they must come down....Boys. Need I say more?
Ah boys, the reason I dream, the reason I lie, the reason I love, the reason I cry, they suck but I cant get enough of em.
This summer i got screwed over by some one i was falling for and when i say screwed over, i mean literally =/
It hurt, it reli did, I wont deny that, BUT, I'm a strong person and got over it quickly xD
plenty more fish in the sea right? Very true, there are a few ppl I'm quite liking atm, I wont mention names but its pretty damn obvious anyway, but there's one guy in particular I'm pretty crazy about, he says he feels the same way but its all a big huge complicated mess and is making my brain melt with each day it goes on.I hope its all dealt with soon because I will pass out from confusion soon enough and I do not want that to happen, cause it'll remind me of that day at Elise's aunts....ah memories...xD getting baked at Elise's family party and passing out and collapsing in front of all her family. Then, giving an Oscar worthy performance while BAKED, making her whole family believe it was sleep deprivation, I should get an Oscar or some award for that :L Bullshitter of the year xD
Any who back to the topic of What goes up, must come down...Friends, yes, I did gain alot of new and amazing friends this year, but I also lost alot. My TY crowd, who I spent the year hanging out with, tagging along, yet never feeling like I fitted 'in'. They were good ppl, just not my kind of ppl...Then for a while I sorta lost my two best friends, not that we were fighting, but when I started hanging with Celbridge ppl, I kinda lost thought of Niamh and Shona, my homies, my hoes, my two colliding worlds xD they've always been there through thick and thin with advice and humour and Ben and Jerry's ;) and tea on hand for me whether id b laughing, crying, or throwing a Sarah Bitch Fit. But I came up with an ingenious plan, combine my Celbridge gang with my Leixlipians xD this could work *cross fingers*.
& now I see my besties everyday in school so all is right with the world again xD but yeah speaking of school, I've only been back two days and I've already ditched classes! disgraceful huh? ah well, it was just maths and Mr MORIARTY CAN GO FUCK HIMSELF FOR ALL I CARE XD sorry, that man just annoys me :P
Any who, I probably wont write a blog very often, which you will prob b happy to hear, but when I do, prepare for ranting, boy troubles and very little optimism,
for now, I bid you adieu,
Mucho amor,
Cpt. Saz